Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ahhh Balloons

We got up at 5:30 this morning... yes you read that right... to go see this:

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So worth it! I think I'm going to order this photo in poster size to hang in the duo's playroom. The bright colors will go really well in there and I'm just in love with this picture.

Tonight we're going back to see them light up all the balloons on the field. Yay balloon glow!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

18 months

Wow. Did you know my kids are 18 months old? Of course you did, but really, it's crazy right?! They cannot be this big.

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Or this big.

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Or THIS big!

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Seriously, does he not look like he should be going off to preschool in that picture? Insane!